My Bookshelf

a worm slowly booking around . . .

→ I was a huge bookworm as a child (still am, although I mainly read fanfic and webnovels now), and I'm trying to rekindle that love once more.
→ I'm a slow reader, I usually read one book a month even though I have so many lined up in my TBR.
→ Although I have a TBR, I'm a mood reader. I'm pretty fickle so I try not to multi-read since I find that I can never finish or get into a book if I keep switching between stories.
→ I'd love to join a book club but I'm pretty hesitant, considering my slowness and fickleness.

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'25 Reading Goal

⯌ Read 25 books in 2025. ⯌
Progress: 2/25

Current Read

Don't Let The Forest In Author: C.G. Drews
Published: Oct. 29, 2024
Tags (based on Bookmory): #Horror #Fantasy #YA #LGBT #Queer #Gothic #Mystery

My Reviews
'25 Reads
Note: There are two separate pages because I don't think I'll be reviewing every book I read. Also, my rating system is solely based on the heart!